The Advantages of beMatrix: A Comprehensive Analysis


In the dynamic world of exhibit and event design, staying ahead of the curve requires innovation, adaptability, and a commitment to sustainability. beMatrix, a revolutionary modular frame system, has emerged as a game-changer in the industry. This document explores the key benefits of beMatrix, highlighting its sustainability, versatility, customization, lightweight design, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Examples can be seen on the Mercer portfoilio page (

InVentry exhibiting at BETT22


In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, beMatrix stands out for its commitment to sustainability. The system is designed with eco-friendly materials that are not only durable but also recyclable. beMatrix’s modular frames are constructed from aluminium, a material known for its high recyclability and low environmental impact. This ensures that exhibitors can create stunning displays without compromising their commitment to green practices. By choosing beMatrix, companies contribute to reducing their carbon footprint and promoting a more sustainable future.



beMatrix is renowned for its unparalleled versatility, offering exhibitors a myriad of design possibilities. The modular frames can be easily assembled and disassembled, allowing for quick and hassle-free installation and dismantling. This flexibility empowers designers to adapt to changing needs and create unique, eye-catching displays for various events. Whether it’s a trade show, exhibition, or corporate event, BeMatrix provides the versatility needed to make a lasting impression.



One of the standout features of beMatrix is its ability to facilitate limitless customization. The modular frame system allows for the integration of various components, such as LED walls, fabric graphics, and accessories, providing exhibitors with the freedom to tailor their displays to meet specific branding and messaging requirements. This adaptability ensures that every BeMatrix booth is a one-of-a-kind creation that effectively communicates the exhibitor’s unique identity.

Lightweight Design


beMatrix’s commitment to innovation extends to its lightweight design, offering a stark contrast to traditional exhibit systems. The aluminium frames are not only durable but also remarkably light, making transportation and installation significantly more efficient. The reduced weight translates into lower shipping costs and easier handling, simplifying the logistics of exhibit setup and dismantling. This feature makes beMatrix an ideal choice for companies looking to streamline their event operations without compromising on structural integrity.


While beMatrix excels in being lightweight, it doesn’t compromise on durability. The aluminium frames are engineered to withstand the rigors of frequent assembly and disassembly, ensuring longevity and reusability. Exhibitors can invest in beMatrix with the confidence that their display will maintain its structural integrity over numerous events. The durability of the system not only contributes to its cost-effectiveness but also reflects a commitment to quality that resonates with exhibitors seeking long-term solutions.



beMatrix’s cost-effectiveness is a result of its modular design, lightweight materials, and durability. The ease of assembly and disassembly significantly reduces labour costs associated with exhibit setup. The lightweight frames contribute to lower shipping costs, making it a financially savvy choice for companies with a focus on budget-conscious event planning. Furthermore, the reusability of beMatrix components ensures a higher return on investment, making it a strategic choice for businesses aiming to maximize their marketing budgets.



In conclusion, beMatrix stands as a revolutionary force in the exhibit and event design industry, offering a host of benefits that cater to the evolving needs of businesses. Its commitment to sustainability aligns with the growing environmental consciousness of today’s consumers. The unparalleled versatility and customization options empower exhibitors to create visually stunning displays that leave a lasting impression. The lightweight yet durable design makes beMatrix a practical and cost-effective choice for companies looking to optimize their event marketing strategies.

As businesses continue to seek innovative solutions that balance environmental responsibility with practicality, beMatrix emerges as a beacon of progress in the world of exhibit and event design. By choosing beMatrix ( companies not only enhance their visual presence at events but also contribute to a more sustainable and efficient future for the industry as a whole.